Thursday, September 6, 2007

hallowed spheres of clay

This week I've been experimenting with enclosed forms. It's just like throwing a pot, but you collar in until the tiny hole in the top blinks out and you've got a sealed shape. I started with a sphere to make into a piggy bank. I left quite a bit of clay at the base so that I could trim around its curvy bottom.

Once it was leather hard, I squished it a little to make the shape more blimp- or pig-like. Then I scratched and attached some feet, a snout, ears and a cute curly tail. Carved in some slightly sad eyes. At the suggestion of fellow potter Lynn, I christened him. Herb will soon be having the first experience to sadden those swine eyes: He'll be heading into a 2,000-degree kiln. Real pigs have gone worse places, I suppose.

Introducing Herb, in first draft and after the first edit.

In case you're concerned, Herb is equipped with a hole in the bottom to extract the coins without smashing his piggy little self.

The next enclosed form I made was a teapot. This one was inspired by Mary Ann Bonner, the studio potter best loved for being a beam of sunshine in a windowless basement. She showed me a "silly" teapot of hers (still have to ask her why it was "silly") that was an enclosed form. The advantage of this is that you can carve out a lid just like you'd carve one for a Jack-O-Lantern. Not only is it easier than throwing a trimming a lid to fit, but you can make it any shape you want! Usually, throwing confines you to circular shapes.

I probably would have done a circular lid had it not been for that realization. So I went a little wild and carved out what I can only describe as a square with curves. See for yourself.

1 comment:

Shawn Khan said...

Did Herb ask for a hole? He told me he was better than that and the only way those filthy humans could get his money was his death. Myabe i'm wrong though I'm bad with latin.