Thursday, October 25, 2007

A sill full of cups

Now that fall is upon us, I am prepared. The mugs I've made over the last few weeks are out of the kiln, and we now have more options for containers to drink tea, coffee and hot chocolate from than you'd ever need. The collection grew so large we had to move it to the window sill. As a bonus, a few of them double as beer steins. We are in college, after all, and this is Florida, after all. There are only so many steamy bevs you'll want to drink before you start hankering after a frothier brew.

The latest duo of mugs I made, the prettiest of which is below (Lydia Yellow sprayed over Floating Red, for you ACC folks out there), are a little tall. I knew that at the time but decided I didn't care. They're very attractive, in my opinion, but aren't terribly functional as mugs. For one thing, you'll be shaking like a crack addict after drinking the amount of coffee that fits in this cup. Not to imply that this photo is of a crack addict. It's my boyfriend, Casey.

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